Monday, July 19, 2010

Carrot Halwa


Grated Carrot- 1cup
Sugar- 1 cup
Ghee- as required
Cashew, dry grapes - as required

• Add 1 tablespoon of ghee in a pan and heat it. Fry cashew, dry grapes in the ghee.

• Add one cup of grated carrot to the pan and fry it in the ghee separately for few minutes. You can add required amount of ghee to the carrot.

• Sprinkle some amount of water on the carrot and let it boil.

• Once the carrot gets boiled add sugar to it and start stirring continuously till the sugar forms in to syrup. Add ghee as and when required.

• Stir until carrot forms in to halwa form. Once it is in the required form take it from the stove and add fried cashews and dry grapes to it.

This method is useful for those having doubts in making sugar syrup (thread like stage), but continuous stirring is essential.

Note: Stop heating once it is in the semi solid form. If you heat beyond it the sugar will crystallize and make the halwa very hard.

Instead of using sugar you can add kova. If sweet less kova add little amount of sugar.

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